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Arts & Climate Collective Festival

ACC Earth Month Festival

April 2nd, 2024

On a sunny afternoon in April, hundreds of guests joined the Arts & Climate Collective in celebration at the annual ACC Earth Month Festival. Attendees participated in creative, hands-on activities, explored ACC awardees’ art showcase, enjoyed dance and music performances, and learned about a myriad of organizations in sustainability, storytelling, arts, and community-building. Festival-goers also connected with new friends and ate delicious tacos from the local restaurant Chichen Itza.

The festival itself featured a resource fair where attendees had the opportunity to learn about over 20 student and community organizations, as well as different departments at USC working on issues related to sustainability, climate change, and/or environmental justice. Organizations ranged from affordable housing nonprofits to student groups like Peaks and Professors and the USC Garden Club. There was something for everybody interested in sustainability or the arts– and a complete list of links to our tabling partners can be found at the bottom of this article.

The ACC’s mission is rooted in community-building and aims to create a space that fosters relationships and ignites collaborative action. To further facilitate this, the ACC also organized a community mixer in USC’s sustainability hub together with USC’s University Relations department for team members from various community groups to engage with one another before the main festival. 

The ACC festival also boasted an extensive schedule of engaging activities. LA Commons hosted a seed art table where participants contributed to a sprawling mosaic and Community Service Unlimited held a produce giveaway. Another station invited attendees to doodle how they envisioned a sustainable and equitable Los Angeles, which attracted sketches of green spaces and smiling blue whales, as well as calls for inclusive cultural centers and affordable rent. These were just some of the activities at the festival, which you can catch a glimpse of below:

Learn more about our resource fair tabling partners:

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